Weird and odd
- Bugs in Google Earth
- Censored stuff
- Weird
- Weird buildings
Caught from above
- People
- Hello satellite!
- Flying and floating
- Crash and sunk
- Guess game
- Smileys and fun
- Advertisement
- Large patterns
Buildings and constructions
- Famous constructions
- Tall buildings
- Statues and monuments
- Ancient constructions
- Castles and palaces
- Airports
- Amusement parks
- Museums
- City ornaments
- Famous homes
- Bridges and dams
- Industry
- Large artifacts
- Sports
Natural beauty
- Nature
- Water
- Mountains and volcanoes
- Land formations
General sites
- Famous sites
- Religious sites
- War history
5 coolest places this month
10 most recent uploads
- 1. Gun Lake, Lummen
- 2. White Earth Dragon, south america
- 3. Weird Artifact in Berdsk near Novosibirsk, Berdsk near Novosibirsk
- 4. Giant golfball, near kinross
- 5. Carpark at airport, upper heyford bicester
- 6. Dino dam, Haskovo
- 7. Forest around ex-nuclear reactor, Bucharest
- 8. Haditha dam, Haditha dam
- 9. Roman Ampitheater, Rome
- 10. Strange Arrangement of Buildings at Airport, Townsville, QLD
- Can't find your suggestion here?
Suggest a place - Step 1 of 3
NOTE: The suggestion does not work (and hasn't been for some time). So, right now it is not possible to give new suggestions to the site.
Please submit your favorite cool place you have found with Google Earth! Follow three steps to submit the cool place you have found.
1. Save a cool place by choosing File/Save in the Google earth program. Make sure the correct placemark is marked and greyed in the menu on your left hand side. Save it with the following naming convention:
- only small letters
- use _ instead of blanks
- I.e. "this_cool_place_i_found.kmz"
2. Double-check the placemark so it really shows what you want it to show. It is very easy to save a wrong site for some reason!
3. Take a picture of it (File/Save image) at a distance you find suitable (please, leave out the little yellow pin). Save it with exactly the same name as the placemark (i.e. "this_cool_place_i_found.jpg").