Statues and monuments

Here you can find cool statues, monuments, fountains and other types of city ornaments possible to see on Google Earth.

Acueducto de QueretaroAcueducto de Queretaro, Queretaro (grade 3.38 of 5)
Ni pena ni miedoNi pena ni miedo, Antofagasta (grade 3.75 of 5)
Giant RabbitGiant Rabbit, Artesina (grade 4.39 of 5)
Pyonyang pyramidPyonyang pyramid, North Korea (grade 3.69 of 5)
Nelsons columnNelsons column, London (grade 3.14 of 5)
Eiffel towerEiffel tower, Paris (grade 3.50 of 5)
Eiffel tower VegasEiffel tower Vegas, Las Vegas (grade 2.97 of 5)
Statue of libertyStatue of liberty, New York (grade 3.24 of 5)
St Louis archSt Louis arch, St Louis (grade 3.73 of 5)
Jesus statue in RioJesus statue in Rio, Rio de Janeiro (grade 3.95 of 5)
Crazy Horse monumentCrazy Horse monument, South Dakota (grade 3.24 of 5)

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